Are Finnish Spitz Good With Cats

If you’re a cat lover and considering adding a Finnish Spitz to your feline-filled household, you may find yourself wondering, “Are Finnish Spitz good with cats?” Fret not, for we have gathered some valuable insights that provide a deeper understanding of this question. Whether you are a cat owner in search of a new canine companion or a Finnish Spitz enthusiast looking to coexist harmoniously with your feline friends, this article aims to shed light on the compatibility between these two furry creatures.

Are Finnish Spitz Good With Cats

If you’re considering getting a Finnish Spitz and already have a cat, it’s important to understand how these two pets can coexist. While every individual dog and cat is unique, there are certain characteristics and temperament traits of the Finnish Spitz breed that can help us determine if they are a good match for living with cats. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Finnish Spitz breed, discuss their characteristics and temperament, explore strategies to introduce them to a cat, and highlight the importance of socialization and training. We will also address potential challenges and solutions that may arise when bringing a Finnish Spitz and a cat together. By following these guidelines, you can create a harmonious environment for both your Finnish Spitz and your cat, and enjoy the company of both of these wonderful pets.

Overview of the Finnish Spitz

Origin and History of Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz, also known as the “Suomenpystykorva” in Finland, is a breed that has been around for centuries. Originally from Finland, these dogs were primarily used for hunting game birds, including grouse and capercaillie. They were valued for their keen sense of smell and agility, making them excellent hunting companions.

Physical Appearance

Finnish Spitz dogs have a unique appearance that sets them apart from other breeds. They have a compact, muscular body with a fox-like face and erect, pointed ears. They also have a thick double coat, which consists of a harsh, straight outer coat and a soft, dense undercoat. The coat color of the Finnish Spitz can vary, ranging from pale honey to deep auburn.

Finnish Spitz as Hunting Dogs

Due to their hunting background, Finnish Spitz dogs have an inherent prey drive. This means that they are naturally inclined to chase and pursue small animals, such as cats. However, with proper training and socialization, it is possible for them to coexist peacefully with cats.

Distinctive Features

One of the most notable features of the Finnish Spitz is their vocal nature. They are known to have a wide range of expressive vocalizations, from barks and howls to yips and chatters. While this characteristic may make them excellent hunting companions, it is important to consider how your cat might react to their vocalizations.

Are Finnish Spitz Good With Cats

Characteristics of Finnish Spitz

Energy Level

Finnish Spitz dogs are known for their high energy levels. They are an active and energetic breed that requires regular exercise and mental stimulation to thrive. This means that they may not be suitable for homes where the cat prefers a more calm and laid-back environment.

Vocal Nature and Barking

As mentioned earlier, Finnish Spitz dogs are vocal and have a tendency to bark. While this characteristic can be endearing to some, it may be overwhelming for a cat that is not accustomed to loud noises. It is important to assess your cat’s temperament and ability to tolerate barking before introducing a Finnish Spitz into your home.

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Independent and Strong-Willed

Finnish Spitz dogs are known for their independent and strong-willed nature. They can be somewhat stubborn at times, which means that they may not always readily adapt to new situations or environments. This independence can make it challenging to train them to coexist peacefully with a cat, but with patience and consistency, it can be achieved.

Affectionate and Loyal

Despite their independent nature, Finnish Spitz dogs are also known to be affectionate and loyal to their families. They form strong bonds with their human companions and thrive on positive attention and affection. This loyalty extends to the entire family, including other pets such as cats. With proper socialization and a gradual introduction, a Finnish Spitz can learn to accept and love their feline housemates.

Good with Children

Finnish Spitz dogs are generally good with children, as they are patient and tolerant. This can be a positive indicator of their potential to get along with cats, as they are often accustomed to sharing their space and attention with younger family members. However, it is important to supervise any interactions between your Finnish Spitz, cat, and children to ensure that everyone remains safe and comfortable.

High Prey Drive

One of the challenges when introducing a Finnish Spitz to a cat is their high prey drive. Finnish Spitz dogs were bred to hunt and chase prey, which can make them inclined to view a cat as a target. It is essential to provide proper training and supervision to minimize any potential conflicts and ensure the safety of both pets.

Intelligence and Trainability

Finnish Spitz dogs are intelligent and quick learners. However, their independent nature can make them somewhat stubborn during training sessions. It is crucial to employ positive reinforcement techniques and reward-based training to keep them engaged and motivated. Consistency and patience are key when training a Finnish Spitz to coexist peacefully with a cat.

Temperament of Finnish Spitz

Friendly and Outgoing

Finnish Spitz dogs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They are generally social animals that enjoy interacting with their human family and other pets. This temperament can make it easier for them to form positive relationships with cats, given the appropriate introductions and socialization.

Alert and Protective

Finnish Spitz dogs have a natural instinct to be alert and protective of their surroundings. They tend to be excellent watch dogs, always keeping an eye out for potential threats or intruders. While this protective nature can be beneficial in certain situations, it is important to ensure that they do not become overprotective or possessive of their territory when living with a cat.

Curious and Adventurous

Finnish Spitz dogs are naturally curious and adventurous. They have a keen interest in exploring their environment and may be inclined to investigate new sights, sounds, and smells. This curiosity can be a positive trait when introducing them to a cat, but it is essential to monitor their interactions to prevent any potential accidents or conflicts.

Reserved with Strangers

Despite their friendly and outgoing nature, Finnish Spitz dogs can be somewhat reserved or cautious around strangers. They may take time to warm up to new people and prefer the company of their familiar family members. This reserved behavior can also extend to cats, so it is important to allow the Finnish Spitz and cat to establish trust and comfort at their own pace.

Establishing a Bond

Building a bond between a Finnish Spitz and a cat requires time, patience, and proper introductions. It is essential to create a positive and stress-free environment where both pets can feel safe and secure. By gradually introducing them to each other’s scent and presence, providing positive experiences, and respecting individual boundaries, you can help foster a bond that allows them to coexist peacefully.

Are Finnish Spitz Good With Cats

Introducing Finnish Spitz to a Cat

Preparation and Patience

Before bringing a Finnish Spitz into a home with a cat, it is important to prepare the environment and yourself. Ensure that each pet has their separate spaces and resources, such as food bowls, litter boxes, and resting areas. Take the time to educate yourself about proper introductions and be prepared to invest time and patience into the process.

Choosing the Right Cat

When considering introducing a Finnish Spitz to a cat, it is essential to choose a cat with a temperament that is likely to be compatible with the energetic and independent nature of the Finnish Spitz. Look for a cat that has experience with dogs or is known to be calm and confident around other animals.

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Slow and Controlled Introduction

The key to a successful introduction between a Finnish Spitz and a cat is to take it slow and at a controlled pace. Start by allowing them to become familiar with each other’s scent through scent swapping. Gradually progress to controlled visual introductions, such as using baby gates or crates, to ensure the safety of both pets.

Supervised Encounters

When it is time to allow the Finnish Spitz and cat to interact face-to-face, it is crucial to have supervised encounters. This will allow you to observe their body language and intervene if necessary. In the beginning, keep the interactions short and positive, gradually increasing their duration as they become more comfortable with each other.

Reading Body Language

Understanding the body language of both your Finnish Spitz and your cat is vital during their interactions. Look out for signs of stress or discomfort, such as flattened ears, raised fur, hissing, or growling. If you notice any signs of tension, it is important to separate them and reassess the situation.

Positive Reinforcement

During the introduction process, it is important to use positive reinforcement techniques to reward desired behavior. Reward both the Finnish Spitz and the cat for calm and relaxed behavior around each other, reinforcing the notion that being in each other’s presence is a positive experience. This will help create positive associations and reduce any potential tension or fear.

Allowing Personal Space

Respecting the personal space of both the Finnish Spitz and the cat is crucial to their successful coexistence. Provide separate spaces where each pet can retreat to and have some alone time when needed. This will help them feel secure and confident in their environment.

Setting Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries for both the Finnish Spitz and the cat is essential for their well-being and overall harmony in the household. Teach them to respect each other’s territories and belongings, and prevent any resource guarding behaviors. By setting and reinforcing these boundaries consistently, you can ensure a peaceful coexistence between them.

Socialization and Training

Early Socialization

Early socialization is important for both Finnish Spitz dogs and cats. Early exposure to a variety of people, animals, and environments can help them develop into well-rounded and confident individuals. Exposing them to positive experiences with each other early on can make the introduction process smoother and increase the chances of a successful coexistence.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Training plays a significant role in ensuring that a Finnish Spitz and a cat can peacefully share a home. Positive reinforcement training, which involves rewarding desired behaviors, is effective in teaching them obedience and appropriate behavior around each other. Be consistent in your training methods and use treats, praise, or toys as rewards to motivate and engage them.

Exposure to Other Animals

In addition to introducing your Finnish Spitz to a cat, it is beneficial to expose them to other animals in controlled and positive settings. This can help them become more comfortable and accepting of other animals’ presence and behaviors.

Rewarding Calm Behavior

Rewarding calm behavior is an important aspect of socialization and training. When your Finnish Spitz and cat are exhibiting calm and relaxed behavior around each other, be sure to reward and reinforce this behavior. This will help create positive associations and reinforce the idea that being in each other’s presence is a positive experience.

Obedience Training

Basic obedience training is crucial for both a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Teach your Finnish Spitz commands such as sit, stay, and leave it to help manage their interactions with the cat. Train your cat to respond to simple commands and reinforcement techniques as well. This will help prevent any potential conflicts and ensure the safety of both pets.

Establishing Rules and Routines

Establishing rules and routines is important for maintaining harmony in a multi-pet household. Create a consistent schedule for feeding, exercise, playtime, and rest. By providing structure and sticking to established rules, you can help reduce stress and confusion for both the Finnish Spitz and the cat.

Supervision and Monitoring

Constant Supervision

When initially introducing a Finnish Spitz and a cat, it is important to supervise their interactions at all times. This will allow you to intervene if necessary and prevent any potential conflicts or accidents. Gradually increase the duration and frequency of their interactions as they demonstrate positive behavior and become more comfortable with each other.

Separation and Timeouts

If you observe any signs of aggression, tension, or discomfort during their interactions, it is crucial to separate them immediately. Provide each pet with their respective safe spaces to calm down and regroup. Use timeouts as a means to reinforce boundaries and demonstrate that inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

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Identifying Signs of Aggression

It is important to be able to identify signs of aggression in both your Finnish Spitz and your cat. These signs may include raised fur, growling, hissing, lunging, or biting. If you notice any of these signs, it is essential to separate them and seek professional guidance if needed.

Dealing with Territory Issues

Territory issues can arise when introducing a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Both pets may have their specific areas or belongings that they consider their own. By providing separate spaces and resources for each pet, you can help prevent territorial disputes and reduce the chances of conflict.

Reducing Tension and Stress

Reducing tension and stress is crucial for ensuring a harmonious coexistence between a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Maintain a calm and positive atmosphere during their interactions, and be mindful of their body language and comfort levels. Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation for both pets to help alleviate any potential stress or boredom.

Creating a Safe Environment

Providing Separate Spaces

Providing separate spaces for your Finnish Spitz and your cat is crucial for their overall well-being and comfort. Each pet should have their own designated area where they can retreat to when they need alone time or a break from interaction.

Vertical Territory and Perches

Finnish Spitz dogs and cats both benefit from having vertical territory. For cats, this means providing shelves, cat trees, or perches that they can climb and explore. For Finnish Spitz dogs, this can mean elevated resting areas like dog beds or raised platforms. Having access to vertical territory allows each pet to have their own personal space and reduces the chances of territorial disputes.

Escape Routes

In addition to providing separate spaces, it is important to create escape routes for both pets. This can include cat doors or high shelves that the cat can use to escape to a safe area if needed. For Finnish Spitz dogs, having access to an enclosed backyard or a designated play area can provide them an outlet for their energy and minimize the chance of pursuing the cat.

Secure and Elevated Resting Areas

Secure and elevated resting areas are essential for both a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Each pet should have their own comfortable resting spot, whether it be a bed, a crate, or a cat tree. These elevated areas not only provide a sense of security but also allow each pet to have their own personal space.

Safe Feeding Areas

Feeding time can be a potential source of tension between a Finnish Spitz and a cat. To ensure that each pet feels safe and secure during mealtime, provide separate feeding areas. This will prevent resource guarding and reduce any stress or competition between them.

Building Positive Associations

Positive Experiences

Building positive associations between a Finnish Spitz and a cat is crucial for their long-term coexistence. Create positive experiences for both pets by providing rewards, treats, and praise when they exhibit calm and friendly behavior towards each other. This will reinforce the idea that being in each other’s presence is enjoyable and rewarding.

Shared Activities

Engaging both your Finnish Spitz and your cat in shared activities can help build a bond between them. This can include interactive play sessions, training exercises, or even supervised outdoor adventures. By creating positive shared experiences, you can foster a sense of camaraderie and friendship between them.

Reward-Based Training

Reward-based training is a valuable tool when building positive associations between a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Use treats, praise, and toys as rewards to reinforce desired behavior from both pets. This will motivate them to continue engaging in positive interactions and enhance their bond over time.

Interactive Play

Interactive play sessions are beneficial for both a Finnish Spitz and a cat. Engage them in play with interactive toys or games that encourage them to work together and enjoy each other’s company. This not only provides mental and physical stimulation but also helps them form positive associations with each other.

Respecting Individual Preferences

It is important to respect the individual preferences of both your Finnish Spitz and your cat. While some cats may enjoy the company of a dog and initiate play, others may prefer to keep their distance. Similarly, some Finnish Spitz dogs may be more tolerant and friendly towards cats, while others may be less inclined to interact. Respecting their preferences and comfort levels is crucial for maintaining a harmonious coexistence.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

When introducing a Finnish Spitz and a cat, various challenges may arise. It is important to be prepared for these challenges and have potential solutions in place. If conflicts arise, separate the pets and reassess the introduction process. Seek professional guidance if needed to address any underlying issues, such as aggression or fear.


While every Finnish Spitz and every cat is unique, with the right approach, socialization, and training, they can coexist peacefully under the same roof. Patience and consistency are key when introducing a Finnish Spitz to a cat, ensuring that both pets have their separate spaces and resources, and providing positive experiences and reinforcement. By following the guidelines discussed in this article, you can create a safe and harmonious environment where both your Finnish Spitz and your cat can thrive. Responsible ownership and a commitment to training and socialization will lead to a positive and enjoyable relationship between them, allowing you to enjoy the company of both of these remarkable pets.