Do Finnish Spitz Drool A Lot

If you’ve ever wondered about the drooling tendencies of the Finnish Spitz, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore whether or not these adorable dogs are prone to excessive drooling. Join us as we uncover the truth behind this intriguing question about Finnish Spitz, providing you with the knowledge you need to better understand this unique breed of dog. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Finnish Spitz and their drooling habits.

Do Finnish Spitz Drool A Lot


Welcome to this comprehensive article all about the Finnish Spitz and their drooling tendencies. If you’re considering bringing a Finnish Spitz into your home or simply curious about this unique breed, you’re in the right place. We’ll cover everything you need to know about the Finnish Spitz, including their origins, physical characteristics, temperament, and personality. We will also delve into the topic of drooling in dogs in general, and specifically explore whether Finnish Spitz are natural droolers or not. Additionally, we’ll discuss the factors that influence drooling in Finnish Spitz and provide tips for managing this potential issue. Finally, we’ll address common misconceptions about Finnish Spitz drooling, explore the health issues that can be related to excessive drooling, and offer ways to minimize this behavior. So let’s get started!

Overview of the Finnish Spitz

Origins and History

The Finnish Spitz, also known as the Suomenpystykorva, is a breed that originates from Finland. They have a long history and were primarily bred for hunting purposes, specifically for tracking and hunting game birds. Finnish Spitz are believed to have ancient roots, possibly dating back thousands of years, and were highly valued by the Finnish people. They were recognized as the national breed of Finland in 1979.

Physical Characteristics

Finnish Spitz are known for their distinct appearance. They are a medium-sized breed, with males typically weighing between 31-35 pounds and females weighing slightly less, around 23-28 pounds. These dogs have a well-proportioned body, with a double coat that consists of a dense, soft undercoat and a longer, harsher outercoat. Their fur color ranges from golden red to a deep reddish-gold, and they often have a bushy tail that curls over their back.

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Temperament and Personality

When it comes to temperament, the Finnish Spitz is known for being friendly, intelligent, and vocal. They are renowned for their unique barking, which is often described as a melodious yodeling sound. This breed is highly active and energetic, so it’s essential to provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Finnish Spitz are typically good with children and can get along well with other pets if properly socialized.

Understanding Drooling in Dogs

Causes of Excessive Drooling in Dogs

Before we dive into the specifics of Finnish Spitz drooling tendencies, it’s essential to understand the causes of excessive drooling in dogs. While some dogs naturally drool more than others, excessive drooling can be a sign of an underlying health issue or discomfort. Common causes of excessive drooling in dogs include dental problems, heat and thirst, gastrointestinal issues, excitement or anxiety, and even certain medications.

Normal Drooling vs. Excessive Drooling

It’s important to differentiate between normal drooling and excessive drooling to determine if the Finnish Spitz breed is prone to drooling. All dogs produce saliva, and it’s a normal part of their digestion and cooling system. However, excessive drooling is when a dog produces an unusually large amount of saliva, which can be bothersome and messy for owners.

Breed-Specific Drooling Tendencies

Now let’s address the specific drooling tendencies of the Finnish Spitz breed. While Finnish Spitz are not generally known as excessive droolers, some individuals within the breed may drool more than others. It’s important to remember that this can vary from dog to dog, even within the same breed. As we explore this topic further, it’s essential to consider both anecdotal evidence from owners and expert opinions based on breed standards.

Finnish Spitz: Natural Droolers or Not?

Anecdotal Evidence and Owner Experiences

When it comes to understanding whether Finnish Spitz are natural droolers or not, anecdotal evidence and owner experiences can provide valuable insights. Many Finnish Spitz owners report minimal to no drooling in their dogs. However, it’s important to remember that individual variations exist within the breed, and it’s possible to find Finnish Spitz that may drool more than others. If you are concerned about drooling, it is always best to consult with breeders or other experienced Finnish Spitz owners to get a better understanding of what to expect.

Expert Opinions and Breed Standards

To gain a more well-rounded understanding, it’s important to consider expert opinions and breed standards. Organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Finnish Kennel Club (FKC) provide guidelines and standards for the Finnish Spitz breed. According to these standards, drooling is not considered a characteristic or desired trait of the Finnish Spitz. However, it’s important to note that individual dogs may still exhibit varying degrees of drooling, which could be unrelated to breed standards.

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Do Finnish Spitz Drool A Lot

Factors Influencing Drooling in Finnish Spitz

Genetics and Breeding

Genetics and breeding play a significant role in a dog’s traits and characteristics, including drooling tendencies. While Finnish Spitz breeders aim to produce puppies that conform to the breed standards, individual variations can arise. If excessive drooling is a concern, it may be helpful to inquire about the drooling tendencies within the lineage of the Finnish Spitz you are considering.

Physical Health and Dental Issues

A dog’s physical health, including their oral health, can impact their drooling tendencies. Dental issues, such as gum disease, infected teeth, or inflammation can cause excessive drooling in dogs. Regular dental care, including teeth brushing and regular veterinary check-ups, can help maintain good oral hygiene and minimize the risk of dental problems that may contribute to excessive drooling.

Temperature and Exercise

Temperature and exercise can also influence drooling in Finnish Spitz. Dogs, particularly those with thick coats like this breed, use panting and drooling as their natural cooling mechanism. In warmer climates or during intense physical activity, Finnish Spitz may drool more to regulate their body temperature. Providing adequate shade, fresh water, and avoiding excessive exercise during hot weather can help minimize excessive drooling.

Tips for Managing Drooling in Finnish Spitz

Regular Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall health and can contribute to managing drooling in Finnish Spitz. Regular teeth brushing with dog-friendly toothpaste, dental treats, and routine dental cleanings by a veterinarian can help prevent dental issues and minimize excessive drooling related to oral health.

Proper Nutrition and Diet

Diet may also affect a dog’s drooling tendencies. Feeding a high-quality, balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of Finnish Spitz can contribute to their overall health, including oral health. Avoiding excessively fatty or oily foods may help reduce excessive drooling. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Finnish Spitz based on their individual needs.

Grooming and Coat Care

Proper grooming and coat care are essential for Finnish Spitz and can also help manage drooling. Regular brushing to remove loose fur and prevent matting, as well as occasional bathing, can help keep their coat clean and reduce the likelihood of skin irritations that may lead to excessive drooling. Trimming the fur around their mouth may also minimize drooling in some individuals.

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Common Misconceptions about Finnish Spitz Drooling

Comparisons with Other Breeds

It’s important to address common misconceptions about Finnish Spitz drooling, particularly when comparing them to other breeds. While some breeds are known for excessive drooling, such as St. Bernards or Bulldogs, it is not fair to assume that all breeds will exhibit the same behavior. Each breed has its unique characteristics, and potential drooling tendencies should be assessed on an individual basis.

Debunking Myths and Exaggerations

Unfortunately, misinformation and exaggerations about dog breeds, including Finnish Spitz, can perpetuate misconceptions about drooling tendencies. To debunk these myths, it is crucial to rely on accurate information from reputable sources, such as breed standards, expert opinions, and well-informed owners who have firsthand experience with the breed.

Health Issues Related to Excessive Drooling

Gingivitis and Dental Problems

Excessive drooling can be associated with health issues that require attention. Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, can result from poor oral hygiene or dental disease and may contribute to excessive drooling. Regular dental care, including professional cleanings and preventive measures, can help alleviate these issues.

Skin Irritations and Infections

Excessive drooling can potentially lead to skin irritations and infections, particularly around the mouth and chin areas. When drool comes into contact with the skin for extended periods, it can cause redness, irritation, and sometimes bacterial or fungal infections. Proper grooming, including keeping the fur dry and clean, can help prevent these complications.

Respiratory and Digestive Conditions

In some cases, excessive drooling can be a symptom of underlying respiratory or digestive conditions. These conditions may include allergies, infections, or anatomical abnormalities. If you observe persistent excessive drooling along with other concerning symptoms, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues.

Ways to Minimize Excessive Drooling

Regular Vet Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining your Finnish Spitz’s overall health and can help identify any underlying causes of excessive drooling. Your vet can perform a thorough evaluation, address any concerns, and recommend necessary treatments or interventions.

Maintaining a Clean Living Environment

To minimize the impact of excessive drooling on your living environment, it’s important to maintain cleanliness. Regularly clean your Finnish Spitz’s bedding, wipe down surfaces that come into contact with drool, and provide access to fresh water to prevent dehydration.

Training and Behavior Modification

It might be possible to minimize excessive drooling through training and behavior modification techniques. Teaching your Finnish Spitz to remain calm and relaxed in specific situations can help reduce drooling caused by excitement or anxiety. Consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for guidance tailored to your dog’s individual needs.


In conclusion, while Finnish Spitz are not generally considered excessive droolers, individual variations exist within the breed. Understanding the causes and factors that contribute to drooling in Finnish Spitz, as well as implementing proper management techniques, can help keep drooling to a minimum. It’s essential to consider both anecdotal evidence and expert opinions when assessing a Finnish Spitz’s predisposition to drooling. Regular dental care, a balanced diet, and good grooming practices are key in managing drooling tendencies. Remember, if you have any concerns about excessive drooling or your Finnish Spitz’s health, consult with a veterinarian for guidance and peace of mind. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy all the wonderful qualities the Finnish Spitz has to offer without excessive drooling becoming a significant issue.