Do Finnish Spitz Like Water

Imagine taking your Finnish Spitz for a walk along a picturesque lake, when suddenly you spot a group of dogs gleefully splashing around in the water. But wait, does your Finnish Spitz like water too? In this article, we will explore the intriguing question of whether Finnish Spitz dogs have an affinity for water. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s find out if these delightful canines are natural-born water enthusiasts or prefer to keep their paws on dry land.

Physical Characteristics of Finnish Spitz


The Finnish Spitz is a medium-sized dog breed, with height ranging from 16 to 20 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 23 and 33 pounds. They have a well-built, muscular body that is slightly longer than their height. Despite their sturdy frame, Finnish Spitz dogs are nimble and agile, allowing them to move swiftly and gracefully.


One of the most distinctive features of Finnish Spitz dogs is their beautiful double coat. The dense, straight outer coat is medium in length, while the soft undercoat provides insulation and warmth. This combination ensures that the Finnish Spitz is well-equipped to withstand cold climates. Additionally, their coats require regular brushing to prevent matting and keep them looking neat and clean.


Finnish Spitz dogs have a striking and unique coat color. They are most commonly seen in shades of red, ranging from pale honey to deep auburn. The intensity of their coat color can vary between individuals, with some having a more golden hue, while others lean towards a redder tone. This vibrant red color, combined with their alert expression and fox-like features, gives Finnish Spitz dogs an unmistakable appearance.

Finnish Spitz Temperament

Friendly and Outgoing

Finnish Spitz dogs have a friendly and outgoing temperament that makes them a wonderful companion. They are known for being sociable and affectionate with their families, often forming strong bonds with their human counterparts. Their loving nature extends to strangers as well, as Finnish Spitz dogs are generally welcoming and eager to make new acquaintances.

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Independent and Intelligent

While Finnish Spitz dogs are loving and friendly, they also possess an independent streak. This breed is known for their intelligence and self-assuredness, often displaying a sense of confidence and individuality. Finnish Spitz dogs are quick learners and can be quite independent thinkers, making training sessions an enjoyable challenge. It is important to establish clear boundaries and provide firm yet gentle guidance to ensure a well-behaved and balanced Finnish Spitz.

Alert and Protective

Finnish Spitz dogs have a natural instinct to protect their loved ones and their territory. They are a vigilant breed, always alert and attentive to their surroundings. This protective nature, combined with their keen senses, makes them excellent watchdogs. Finnish Spitz dogs will often bark to alert their family of any potential threats or intruders, making them a reliable and effective early warning system.

Finnish Spitz as Hunting Dogs

Hunting Instincts

The Finnish Spitz is a breed that was bred for hunting purposes, specifically to assist in the hunting of small game, such as squirrels and birds. They have a strong prey drive and a keen sense of smell, both of which are essential for their hunting instincts. Finnish Spitz dogs have a unique way of tracking and locating prey by barking, a behavior known as “yodeling,” which alerts hunters to the presence of game.

Tracking Skills

Finnish Spitz dogs not only have excellent tracking skills but also possess great stamina and agility. Their ability to track scents over vast distances makes them valuable assets for hunters. These dogs are capable of navigating rough terrains and dense forests with ease, utilizing their powerful sense of smell and their sharp eyesight to locate and flush out game.

Finnish Spitz and Water

Natural Attraction to Water

While Finnish Spitz dogs were primarily bred for hunting on land, they also have a natural attraction to water. Many Finnish Spitz dogs enjoy being around bodies of water, whether it’s a lake, river, or even a swimming pool. Their curiosity and adventurous spirit often lead them to explore and have fun in water environments.

Swimming Ability

Finnish Spitz dogs are excellent swimmers. Their athletic and muscular build, combined with their webbed feet, allows them to navigate through water effortlessly. They are well-known for their ability to swim with grace and agility, making them a breed that can thrive in water-based activities.

Encouraging Finnish Spitz to Like Water

Positive Reinforcement

To encourage a Finnish Spitz to enjoy water, positive reinforcement is key. By associating water with positive experiences and rewards, such as treats and praise, you can help create a positive association in their minds. Start by letting them explore shallow water gradually and reward them for their curiosity and bravery.

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Gradual Introduction

Introducing water to a Finnish Spitz should be done gradually and at their own pace. Start with calm and shallow waters, allowing them to become comfortable with wetting their paws. As their confidence grows, gradually increase the depth of the water. It’s important to be patient and never force them into water if they’re not ready.

Water Safety

When introducing a Finnish Spitz to water, always prioritize their safety. Make sure the water is free from any potential hazards, such as strong currents or submerged obstacles. Use a canine life vest to ensure their safety, especially when they’re still becoming accustomed to swimming. Additionally, never leave a Finnish Spitz unattended near water, as accidents can happen, even to the most skilled swimmers.

Creating a Positive Water Experience

Using Treats and Toys

To make water a positive and enjoyable experience, use treats and toys as incentives for your Finnish Spitz. Tossing toys into the water and encouraging them to retrieve them will not only make swimming a fun activity but also enhance their swimming skills and endurance. Treats can also be used as rewards for their bravery and accomplishments in the water.

Water Playtime

Regular water playtime sessions can assist in further developing your Finnish Spitz’s love for water. Activities such as sprinklers or kiddie pools in the backyard can provide a safe and controlled environment for them to splash and have fun. By incorporating water play into their routine, you can reinforce their positive association with water and strengthen their bond with you.

Swimming Sessions

Once your Finnish Spitz is comfortable with water, you can progress to supervised swimming sessions in suitable locations. Whether it’s a dog-friendly beach or a pool, these sessions can be an excellent form of exercise and mental stimulation. Ensure that they have a safe entry and exit point, and always monitor their energy levels and provide breaks as needed.

Water Activities for Finnish Spitz

Water Fetch

With their love for fetch and their swimming abilities, water fetch can be an enjoyable activity for Finnish Spitz dogs. Tossing floating toys or balls into the water and encouraging them to retrieve and return them can provide both mental and physical stimulation. This activity also reinforces their retrieval instincts, making it a win-win situation for you and your Finnish Spitz.

Dock Diving

Dock diving is a popular canine sport that Finnish Spitz dogs can excel in. This activity involves jumping off a dock into a body of water, with dogs being judged on their distance and height. Given their athleticism and love for water, Finnish Spitz dogs can participate in dock diving competitions or simply enjoy it as a recreational activity, providing them with a thrilling outlet for their energy.

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Canoeing or Kayaking

For those who enjoy water activities themselves, bringing your Finnish Spitz along for canoeing or kayaking adventures can be a rewarding experience. These water-based activities allow you to explore scenic waterways while providing a chance for your dog to be part of the action. Remember to equip them with a canine life vest and ensure their comfort and safety throughout the journey.

Considerations for Water Activities

Health and Fitness Levels

Before engaging in water activities with your Finnish Spitz, consider their health and fitness levels. Swimming can be a physically demanding exercise, so it’s important to ensure that they are in good overall health and condition. If your dog has any health concerns or is not physically fit, consult with your veterinarian before engaging in water activities.

Water Temperature

Pay attention to the water temperature during water activities. Finnish Spitz dogs, like any other breed, can become susceptible to hypothermia if exposed to cold water for extended periods. Additionally, extremely hot water can pose a risk of overheating. It’s crucial to monitor the water temperature and provide ample breaks and restorative measures to prevent any adverse effects on your dog’s well-being.


Supervision is essential during water activities involving Finnish Spitz dogs. While they are generally great swimmers, accidents can happen. Always keep a close eye on your dog to ensure they don’t become overwhelmed or encounter any potential risks. Being present and attentive will enable you to provide immediate assistance and maintain their safety at all times.

Potential Challenges

Fear of Water

Although Finnish Spitz dogs have a natural attraction to water, some individuals may develop a fear or anxiety towards it. This fear can be caused by various factors, such as a negative experience or lack of exposure during their critical socialization period. It’s important to address this fear carefully and patiently, using positive reinforcement techniques and seeking professional guidance if necessary.

Aggression towards Water

In rare cases, a Finnish Spitz may display aggression towards water. This behavior can stem from underlying issues such as fear, territoriality, or a negative association with water. Aggression towards water should be addressed promptly and with the assistance of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can help identify the root cause and implement a suitable training plan to alleviate the aggression.

Precautions for Safety

When engaging in water activities with your Finnish Spitz, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers and take necessary precautions. Avoid fast-moving or deep water if your dog is inexperienced or uncomfortable. Be cautious of strong currents, hidden debris, or dangerous sea creatures. By being vigilant and well-prepared, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable water experience for both you and your Finnish Spitz.


Understanding your Finnish Spitz’s physical characteristics, temperament, and hunting instincts can greatly enhance your bond and facilitate enjoyable water activities. With patience, positive reinforcement, and gradual introductions, you can encourage your Finnish Spitz to embrace water and engage in a variety of water-based activities. Whether it’s swimming sessions, dock diving, or leisurely canoe rides, the time spent together in and around water will undoubtedly strengthen the relationship between you and your furry companion. So dive in and let the fun begin!