How Much Does A Finnish Spitz Puppy Cost

Thinking about adding a Finnish Spitz puppy to your family? In this article, we will explore the cost of purchasing one of these adorable and loyal dogs. From initial purchase price to ongoing care expenses, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision about bringing a Finnish Spitz into your home. So, let’s dive in and learn more about how much a Finnish Spitz puppy really costs!

How Much Does A Finnish Spitz Puppy Cost

Are you considering bringing home a Finnish Spitz puppy but unsure about how much it might cost you? In this article, we will break down all the factors that can influence the price of a Finnish Spitz puppy, so you can make an informed decision.

The Cost of Purchasing a Finnish Spitz Puppy

When it comes to purchasing a Finnish Spitz puppy, the price can vary based on several factors. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere between $800 to $2,000 for a Finnish Spitz puppy. However, there are additional factors that can impact the cost.

Breeder Reputation and Location

The reputation of the breeder and their location can significantly affect the price of a Finnish Spitz puppy. Reputable breeders who have experience in breeding Finnish Spitz and have a good reputation for producing healthy, well-socialized puppies may charge higher prices. Additionally, the cost of living in the breeder’s location can also impact the price.

Pedigree and Bloodline

The pedigree and bloodline of the Finnish Spitz puppy can also influence the price. Puppies from champion bloodlines or with show-quality potential may be priced higher than those with no pedigree.

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Health Clearances and Vaccinations

A reputable breeder will ensure that the Finnish Spitz puppies have received all necessary vaccinations and health clearances. This can increase the price of the puppy but is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of your new pet.

Age of the Puppy

The age of the Finnish Spitz puppy can also impact the price. Younger puppies that are still with their mother may be priced higher than older puppies that are ready to be rehomed.

Additional Costs to Consider

When determining the total cost of owning a Finnish Spitz puppy, it’s essential to consider additional costs beyond the initial purchase price. These costs can include:

Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, spaying or neutering, and emergency medical care are all essential expenses that you will need to budget for when owning a Finnish Spitz puppy.

Food and Supplies

Quality food, treats, toys, grooming supplies, bedding, and other accessories are ongoing costs that you will need to account for when bringing a Finnish Spitz puppy into your home.

Training and Socialization

Proper training and socialization are critical for the well-being of your Finnish Spitz puppy. Consider the cost of obedience classes, training treats, and other resources to help your puppy grow into a well-behaved companion.

Licensing and Registration

In many areas, you may be required to license and register your Finnish Spitz puppy with the local government. Be sure to budget for these additional costs.

Pet Insurance

Consider investing in pet insurance to help cover unexpected medical expenses for your Finnish Spitz puppy. While this is an additional cost, it can provide peace of mind knowing that your pet’s healthcare needs are covered.

Finding a Reputable Breeder

When looking to purchase a Finnish Spitz puppy, it’s essential to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Here are some tips for finding a reputable breeder:

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Research Breeders Thoroughly

Research breeders thoroughly to ensure that they have a good reputation and are known for producing healthy, well-socialized puppies. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers.

Visit the Breeder in Person

Whenever possible, visit the breeder in person to see the living conditions of the dogs and puppies. A reputable breeder will be transparent about their facilities and breeding practices.

Ask for Health Clearances

Ask the breeder for health clearances for both the parent dogs and the puppies. This can help ensure that the puppies are healthy and free from genetic health issues.

Get a Written Contract

A reputable breeder will provide a written contract that outlines the terms of the sale, health guarantees, and other important information. Be sure to review the contract carefully before making a purchase.

Stay in Touch

A good breeder will be willing to stay in touch and provide support and guidance as needed throughout the life of your Finnish Spitz puppy. Communication with the breeder can help ensure that you have a positive experience.


Bringing a Finnish Spitz puppy into your home can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to understand the costs involved and make an informed decision. By considering all the factors that can influence the price of a Finnish Spitz puppy and budgeting for additional expenses, you can provide a loving and healthy environment for your new furry companion. Remember to do your research, find a reputable breeder, and be prepared for the responsibility of owning a Finnish Spitz puppy.