Why Are Finnish Spitz So Popular

Have you ever wondered why Finnish Spitz dogs have gained such popularity? Well, it turns out that there are several compelling reasons behind this phenomenon. From their striking appearance to their smart and friendly nature, Finnish Spitz dogs have captured the hearts of many dog lovers around the world. In this article, we will explore the unique qualities and characteristics of Finnish Spitz dogs that make them so beloved by so many. Whether you are a seasoned dog owner or simply curious about this breed, get ready to discover why Finnish Spitz are all the rage in the canine world.


The Finnish Spitz has a beautiful and unique look that sets it apart from other dog breeds. One of its most striking features is its fox-like appearance, with a sharp and intelligent expression. This gives the Finnish Spitz a mischievous and playful demeanor, making it an endearing companion for any dog lover.

In addition to its foxy look, the Finnish Spitz has a distinct curled tail that adds to its charm. This curled tail is a signature trait of the breed and is typically held high over the back. It adds an extra touch of elegance to an already captivating appearance.

The Finnish Spitz also has a distinctive coat color, which varies from deep red to golden-red. This rich and vibrant coat color is one of the breed’s defining characteristics, making them easily recognizable. It is worth noting that the Finnish Spitz’s coat color is different than that of many other breeds, making it a unique and special addition to any family.

In terms of size, the Finnish Spitz is considered to be of average size. They typically stand at about 15 to 20 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 25 to 35 pounds. This moderate size makes them suitable for various living environments, from apartments to larger houses with yards. Their average size also allows them to be agile and quick on their feet, ideal for their hunting instincts.


When it comes to temperament, the Finnish Spitz is alert, lively, and full of energy. They have a keen sense of their surroundings, always on the lookout for anything interesting or exciting. This alertness makes them excellent watchdogs, as they will quickly alert you to any potential danger or stranger approaching.

While the Finnish Spitz is independent by nature, they are also known for being friendly and sociable. They enjoy the company of their family and are affectionate towards their loved ones. This friendliness extends beyond their immediate family, as Finnish Spitz are generally good with other pets and are often great with children. They have an innate ability to adapt to various social situations, making them a perfect fit for families of all sizes and compositions.

Intelligence is a prominent trait of the Finnish Spitz, and they are known for being quick learners. They are highly trainable and enjoy having a job to do. Whether it’s learning new tricks, participating in agility competitions, or simply being given tasks to complete, the Finnish Spitz thrives when their intelligence is put to good use. This breed’s ability to quickly understand and respond to commands makes them easier to train compared to other breeds.

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The Finnish Spitz is also an excellent hunter, which is a trait deeply embedded in their temperament. They possess a strong prey drive and are skilled at tracking and locating prey. This natural hunting instinct makes them excel in activities such as scent work and tracking competitions. Owning a Finnish Spitz means having a companion that is not only intelligent but also in touch with their primal hunting instincts.

Breed History

The Finnish Spitz is a breed with a rich history that can be traced back to its origins in Finland. It holds the prestigious title of being the national breed of Finland, and its heritage as a hunting dog is deeply ingrained in its DNA.

Traditionally, the Finnish Spitz was used for hunting various game, including birds and small mammals. Their excellent hunting skills, such as their ability to locate prey by barking at it, made them valuable assets to hunters. The Finnish Spitz’s distinctive vocalizations were especially important in helping hunters pinpoint the location of their prey, making them indispensable companions in the field.

In the 1920s, Finnish Spitz dogs were brought to the United States, where they quickly gained attention and popularity among dog enthusiasts. They were recognized by major kennel clubs, including the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the United Kennel Club (UKC), further solidifying their place as a respected breed. Since then, the Finnish Spitz has continued to captivate dog lovers around the world, thanks to its unique attributes and versatile skills.

Unique Vocalization

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Finnish Spitz is its unique vocalization, which is often described as bark-yodeling. This distinctive vocalization sets them apart from other breeds and adds to their charm and appeal.

The bark-yodeling sound produced by the Finnish Spitz is a cross between a bark and a yodel, creating a harmonious and melodious tone. It is a form of communicative behavior that the breed has mastered, allowing them to convey information effectively to their owners or fellow dogs. This vocalization is deeply ingrained in their nature and serves as a way for them to express various emotions, from excitement and alertness to warning and playfulness.

The Finnish Spitz’s ability to indicate the location of prey through its vocalizations is a remarkable trait. When hunting, they will bark in a way that prompts the prey to respond, disclosing their location. This unique skill is highly valued by hunters and demonstrates the breed’s exceptional intelligence and communication abilities.


The Finnish Spitz is a highly adaptable breed, capable of thriving in different climates and living environments. Whether you live in a warm tropical climate or a cold snowy region, the Finnish Spitz will adjust to the conditions with ease.

Due to their natural hunting instincts and active nature, Finnish Spitz dogs require regular exercise to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Daily walks, playtime, and engaging activities will help ensure that they remain happy and well-balanced. Keep in mind that Finnish Spitz dogs are not meant to be couch potatoes, so they may not be suitable for individuals or families looking for a low-energy breed.

One unique aspect of the breed’s adaptability is their suitability for apartment living. Despite their moderate size, Finnish Spitz dogs can thrive in an apartment setting with proper exercise and mental stimulation. However, it is crucial to provide them with enough physical activity and mental challenges to prevent them from becoming bored, as this may lead to undesirable behaviors.

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It is worth noting that Finnish Spitz dogs may have a predisposition to separation anxiety. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on human companionship. Leaving them alone for extended periods may lead to anxiety or destructive behaviors. If you have a busy lifestyle that includes long hours away from home, it is important to consider whether you can provide the necessary attention and companionship that this breed requires.

Low Grooming Needs

When it comes to grooming, the Finnish Spitz is a relatively low-maintenance breed. Their double coat, which consists of a dense and soft undercoat covered by a protective outer coat, is designed to be self-cleaning. This means that they do not require frequent baths unless they get particularly dirty or start to emit a noticeable odor.

Although Finnish Spitz dogs are not heavy shedders, they do shed their undercoat a couple of times a year. During shedding seasons, regular brushing is necessary to remove the loose hairs and prevent matting. Brushing their coat at least two to three times a week, combined with a deshedding tool during shedding seasons, will help keep their coat healthy and minimize loose hair around the house.

Another beneficial aspect of the Finnish Spitz’s coat is its protective nature against various weather conditions. The dense double coat helps insulate them from both the cold and heat, allowing them to adapt to different climates. However, it is important to note that extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, should be avoided, as the breed is more comfortable in moderate weather conditions.

Good with Families

The Finnish Spitz is renowned for being good with families of all sizes. Their affectionate and loyal nature makes them wonderful companions for adults and children alike. Finnish Spitz dogs often develop strong bonds with their family members and enjoy being involved in all aspects of family life.

While they are generally good with children, as with any breed, proper socialization and supervision are essential when introducing Finnish Spitz dogs to young children. Children should be educated on how to approach and interact with dogs, and any interactions between them should be closely monitored to ensure the safety and well-being of both the child and the dog. With the right guidance, Finnish Spitz dogs can be gentle and patient playmates for children.

Furthermore, Finnish Spitz dogs tend to get along well with other pets. Their friendly and sociable nature extends to furry siblings, and they can form strong bonds with other dogs and cats in the household. Early socialization and proper introductions are key to fostering positive relationships between Finnish Spitz and other pets.

Their watchful nature makes them excellent watchdogs, as they are always on alert and ready to protect their loved ones. Finnish Spitz dogs are known to be watchful and will bark to alert their owners of any potential dangers or intruders. Their vigilant nature creates an added layer of security for families, providing peace of mind knowing that they have a loyal protector by their side.

Health and Longevity

The Finnish Spitz is generally a healthy breed, but like all dogs, they can be prone to certain health issues. It is important to be aware of these potential health concerns and work with a responsible breeder who tests their breeding dogs for genetic conditions.

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Some common health issues that Finnish Spitz dogs may face include hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Regular veterinary check-ups and preventative care, including appropriate exercise and a balanced diet, are crucial in maintaining their overall health and well-being.

With proper care, Finnish Spitz dogs can live long and fulfilling lives. The average life expectancy for the breed ranges from 12 to 15 years. Ensuring they receive regular exercise, mental stimulation, and a nutritious diet will help promote their longevity and keep them in optimal health.

Beautiful Show Dog

The distinctive appearance of the Finnish Spitz makes it an ideal candidate for the show ring. Their striking foxy look, combined with their unique coat color and curled tail, captures the attention of judges and spectators alike.

Finnish Spitz dogs are frequent participants in dog shows, where they can showcase their various qualities and abilities. They have achieved great success in conformation events, which evaluate how closely a dog conforms to the breed standard in terms of appearance and structure.

In addition to conformation shows, Finnish Spitz dogs also excel in agility competitions. Their intelligence, agility, and ability to quickly learn new skills make them strong contenders in this fast-paced and challenging sport. Finnish Spitz dogs thrive when given the opportunity to showcase their athleticism and problem-solving abilities.

By participating in dog shows, Finnish Spitz dogs not only demonstrate their individual achievements but also represent the breed’s characteristics and unique attributes. This, in turn, helps promote the breed and increases awareness among potential owners.

Respected Hunting Companion

The Finnish Spitz’s history as a hunting breed means they still possess the skills and instincts required for successful hunting. Their sharp senses, intelligence, and tracking abilities make them highly respected hunting companions.

Finnish Spitz dogs are well-suited for various game, including birds and small mammals. Their ability to locate prey and indicate its location through their vocalizations is invaluable to hunters. Their keen sense of smell and strong prey drive allow them to track and locate game efficiently, making them indispensable partners in the field.

Considered a versatile hunting companion, the Finnish Spitz may not only excel in hunting small game but also participate in tracking trials and scent work competitions. Their remarkable abilities and determination serve as a testament to their heritage as well as their unique place in the world of hunting.

In conclusion, the Finnish Spitz is a remarkable breed with a fascinating history and a set of characteristics that make it stand out. Their foxy look, curled tail, distinctive coat color, and average size all contribute to their captivating appearance. As a companion, they are alert, friendly, and intelligent, making them excellent watchdogs and trainable companions. Their unique vocalizations, adaptability to different climates and living environments, low grooming needs, and compatibility with families and other pets further enhance their appeal. Additionally, their overall health and longevity, success as show dogs, and respected hunting abilities make them a truly remarkable breed. Whether you’re attracted to their appearance, temperament, or their versatile skills, the Finnish Spitz is a breed that has the potential to bring joy, companionship, and excitement to your life.