Why Does My Finnish Spitz Follow Me Everywhere

Have you ever wondered why your Finnish Spitz is always by your side, following you wherever you go? This article aims to provide insight into the deep bond between Finnish Spitz dogs and their owners. While this breed is known for its loyalty, there are specific reasons why your furry companion feels the need to be constantly by your side. From their history as hunting dogs to their innate desire for companionship, understanding these factors can help you appreciate the unbreakable connection you share with your Finnish Spitz. So, let’s unravel the mystery and discover why your Finnish Spitz follows you everywhere.

Natural Instincts

Pack Mentality

The Finnish Spitz is a breed that is inherently social and thrives as part of a pack. This pack mentality traces back to their ancestors, who were used in hunting groups in Finland. They have a deep-rooted instinct to be part of a group and rely on their pack members for support and companionship. This pack mentality can be seen in their behavior towards their human family, as they often want to be close to you and seek your attention and affection.

Hunting Heritage

The Finnish Spitz breed has a rich hunting heritage, as they were originally bred for hunting small game, such as squirrels and birds. This hunting instinct is still prevalent in their behavior today. If you notice your Finnish Spitz closely following your movements or showing interest in small animals during walks, it is simply their natural hunting instincts coming into play. They have a keen sense of sight and hearing, making them vigilant and attentive hunters.

Protective Nature

Finnish Spitz are known for their protective nature towards their family. This instinct to protect traces back to their role as hunting dogs, where they would alert their human companions to the presence of game by barking. They remain naturally vigilant and have a strong desire to protect their territory. If you notice your Finnish Spitz barking or displaying protective behavior, it is their way of ensuring the safety and security of their pack.

Breed Characteristics


Finnish Spitz are remarkably loyal dogs and form strong attachments to their human family. They are known for their unwavering devotion and will go to great lengths to protect and please their owners. This loyalty is ingrained in their nature and stems from their pack mentality. You can expect your Finnish Spitz to be by your side through thick and thin, making them not just a pet but a true companion and friend.

Affectionate Nature

When it comes to affection, the Finnish Spitz excels. They have a naturally affectionate nature and thoroughly enjoy being part of their human family’s daily activities. Whether it’s snuggling on the couch, following you around the house, or showering you with kisses, their affection knows no bounds. Their love and warmth are contagious, making them a constant source of joy and comfort in your life.

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Need for Exercise

Due to their hunting heritage and active nature, Finnish Spitz have a significant need for exercise. These dogs thrive when provided with regular physical activity to burn off their excess energy. Engaging them in activities such as long walks, jogging, hiking, or agility training will not only keep them physically fit but also mentally stimulated. adequate exercise is crucial for their overall well-being and helps prevent behavioral issues that may arise from pent-up energy.

Intelligence and Trainability

Finnish Spitz are intelligent dogs, which makes them highly trainable. With consistent positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods, they can quickly pick up commands and learn new tricks. However, it is essential to keep training sessions interesting and varied to prevent boredom. Their intelligence also means that they can figure out how to get what they want, so setting clear boundaries and providing them with mental stimulation is essential for a well-behaved Finnish Spitz.


Finnish Spitz are inherently curious dogs and love to explore their surroundings. They have a strong sense of curiosity, which often leads them to investigate new sights, sounds, and scents. This curiosity keeps them engaged with their environment and stimulates their mind. Encouraging their natural curiosity by taking them on different routes during walks or providing them with puzzle toys can help fulfill their need for mental stimulation and prevent boredom.

Bonding and Attachment

Human Companionship

Finnish Spitz have a deep need for human companionship and thrive when they are an integral part of their family’s daily life. They enjoy being involved in family activities, whether it be joining you on outings, snuggling up for movie nights, or simply sitting by your side as you work. By including your Finnish Spitz in your day-to-day routine, you strengthen the bond between you and create a sense of security and belonging within the pack.

Owner as a Source of Security

Your Finnish Spitz looks to you as their trusted leader and provider of security. They seek comfort and assurance in your presence, knowing that you will keep them safe from any perceived threats. They may often follow you from room to room, ensuring they never lose sight of you. This behavior is a testament to the deep bond and trust they have in you. Being aware of their need for security will help foster a sense of safety and well-being in your Finnish Spitz.

Separation Anxiety

Due to their strong attachment to their human family, Finnish Spitz can often develop separation anxiety when left alone. They thrive on social interaction and being part of the pack, so the absence of their loved ones can cause distress. Signs of separation anxiety may include excessive barking, destructive behavior, or house soiling. It is crucial to gradually acclimate your Finnish Spitz to periods of alone time and provide them with activities or toys to keep them occupied. Seeking professional guidance can also be helpful in managing separation anxiety effectively.

Territorial Behavior

Guarding their Territory

Finnish Spitz have a natural inclination to guard their territory, including your home and yard. They are alert and vigilant, paying close attention to any potential threats. If someone approaches their territory, they may bark and act defensively, which is their way of protecting their pack and territory. Proper socialization from a young age and positive reinforcement training can help manage this territorial behavior, ensuring that your Finnish Spitz behaves appropriately when meeting new people or encountering unfamiliar situations.

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Marking their Presence

Another aspect of territorial behavior in Finnish Spitz is marking their presence through urine. Male Finnish Spitz are more prone to this behavior, although it can occur in females as well. Marking is a natural instinct for dogs and is often a way of communicating and claiming their territory. If your Finnish Spitz begins marking inside the house despite being house trained, it is essential to address the behavior by reinforcing proper potty habits and using appropriate deterrents to discourage marking behavior.

Need for Stimulation

Mental Stimulation

Beyond physical exercise, Finnish Spitz also require mental stimulation to keep their minds sharp and engaged. Engaging them in activities that challenge their problem-solving skills, such as puzzle toys, hide-and-seek games, or obedience training, can satisfy their need for mental stimulation. Providing them with regular mental challenges not only prevents boredom but also helps prevent destructive behavior that may arise from a lack of mental stimulation.

Physical Activity

Finnish Spitz have a high energy level and require ample physical activity to keep them happy and healthy. They enjoy outdoor activities that allow them to explore and utilize their senses. Regular exercise, such as brisk walks, jogging, or playing fetch, should be incorporated into their daily routine. Engaging them in activities that cater to their natural instincts, such as agility training or participating in dog sports, can be particularly beneficial in channeling their energy and maintaining their physical well-being.

Social Nature

Desire for Social Interaction

Finnish Spitz have a strong desire for social interaction, not just with their human family but also with other dogs and animals. They enjoy the company of their pack and thrive in a social environment. Providing opportunities for them to interact with other dogs at dog parks or arranging playdates with other friendly canines can fulfill their social needs. Their friendly and sociable nature makes them excellent companions for families or individuals who can provide them with the social interaction they crave.

Pack Mentality

As mentioned earlier, Finnish Spitz have a pack mentality deeply ingrained in their DNA. This pack mentality extends beyond their human family and can be seen when they interact with other dogs or animals. They find comfort and security in being part of a pack and often exhibit cooperative behavior when interacting with other pack members. Understanding their pack mentality allows you to foster a positive and harmonious environment that meets their social needs.

Attention-seeking Behavior

Desire for Affection

Finnish Spitz have an inherent desire for affection and thrive on receiving love and attention from their human family. They may seek physical contact by nudging you with their nose, leaning against you, or gently pawing at you. These actions are their way of communicating their need for affection and a way to connect with you on an emotional level. Providing them with regular affectionate gestures, such as petting and cuddling, strengthens the bond and reinforces their positive behavior.

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Need for Constant Acknowledgment

Your Finnish Spitz loves being the center of attention and expects constant acknowledgment. They may seek your attention by barking, bringing you toys, or performing tricks to capture your focus. It’s essential to strike a balance between providing them with attention and maintaining consistent boundaries. By setting expectations and reinforcing positive behavior, you can meet their need for acknowledgment while still maintaining a well-behaved and content Finnish Spitz.

Separation Anxiety

Fear of Being Left Alone

Finnish Spitz are highly attached to their human family, and the thought of being left alone can trigger anxiety in them. They thrive on social interaction and may become distressed when separated from their loved ones. This fear can be attributed to their pack mentality and their strong need for security and companionship. Ensuring a gradual transition to alone time and providing them with comfort, such as leaving a piece of clothing with your scent, can help alleviate their fear and make the separation process more manageable.

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in Finnish Spitz can manifest in various ways. Common symptoms include excessive barking, destructive behavior (such as chewing furniture or household items), pacing, restlessness, or inappropriate elimination. Recognizing these signs is crucial in identifying separation anxiety and taking appropriate steps to manage it. By implementing gradual desensitization techniques and providing them with engaging activities or puzzle toys, you can help alleviate their anxiety and create a more positive experience when left alone.

Training and Positive Reinforcement

Teaching Boundaries

Training your Finnish Spitz is crucial in ensuring they understand and respect their boundaries. Establishing clear rules and consistently enforcing them helps prevent behavioral issues and reinforces their understanding of acceptable behavior. Through positive reinforcement training methods, such as reward-based training and praise, you can motivate your Finnish Spitz to learn and follow commands. Patience, consistency, and a mutual understanding of expectations will lay the foundation for a well-trained and well-behaved Finnish Spitz.

Encouraging Independence

While the Finnish Spitz thrives on human companionship, it’s also important to encourage their independence. They should be comfortable being alone for short periods to prevent separation anxiety. Gradually increasing the duration of alone time and providing them with activities that stimulate their mind and keep them occupied helps foster independence. By promoting independence in a positive and supportive manner, you empower your Finnish Spitz to become a well-rounded and confident individual.

Signs of an Unhealthy Attachment

Overdependence on Owner

An unhealthy attachment can occur when a Finnish Spitz becomes overly dependent on their owner. Signs of overdependence may include excessive clinginess, unwillingness to explore or socialize with other dogs or humans, and distress when separated even for short periods. If you notice these signs, it is important to encourage independence and socialization outside of their immediate family circle. Involving them in positive experiences with new people and environments can gradually reduce their reliance on you and promote a healthy sense of independence.

Aggression towards Others

In some cases, an unhealthy attachment can manifest as aggression towards others. This aggression may arise from fear or possessiveness, as the Finnish Spitz feels threatened by the presence of other individuals or animals around their owner. Aggression is a serious behavioral issue that should be addressed promptly with the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. Proper training, socialization, and techniques to manage possessive behavior can help redirect their aggression towards more positive and acceptable behaviors.

In conclusion, the Finnish Spitz is a unique and fascinating breed with a variety of natural instincts and characteristics. Their pack mentality, hunting heritage, and protective nature make them loyal companions and excellent family dogs. Understanding and respecting their need for exercise, mental stimulation, social interaction, and affectionate bonding is crucial in fostering a happy and well-rounded Finnish Spitz. With proper training, positive reinforcement, and a balanced approach to their attachment, you can cultivate a strong and healthy bond with your Finnish Spitz that lasts a lifetime.