Why Do Finnish Spitz Eat Grass

Have you ever wondered why Finnish Spitz dogs have a curious appetite for grass? These adorable furry companions, known for their fox-like appearance and friendly nature, have been captivating dog enthusiasts for centuries. In this article, we will explore the intriguing behavior of Finnish Spitz dogs and seek to understand the reasons behind their grass-eating habits. From possible nutritional needs to instinctual behaviors, we will unravel the mystery surrounding why these playful pups seem to have a taste for nature’s green carpet. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Finnish Spitz and their grass-eating tendencies.

Overview of the Finnish Spitz Breed

The Finnish Spitz is a unique and beautiful breed originating from Finland. This dog breed was specifically bred for hunting activities, primarily focused on hunting small game birds, such as grouse and capercaillie. The Finnish Spitz is known for its fox-like appearance, with a dense double coat, erect ears, and a curled tail that sits high on its back. These dogs have a lively and energetic personality, making them excellent companions for active individuals or families with children. Despite their small size, Finnish Spitz are known for their bravery and strong hunting instincts.

Origin and history

The Finnish Spitz, also known as the Finnish Hunting Dog or Suomenpystykorva in Finnish, has a long and storied history. Dating back to ancient times, this breed has been a part of Finnish culture for centuries. They were highly valued for their ability to track game birds and signal their location to hunters through distinctive barking. The breed’s popularity soared during the 19th century when Finnish nationalists sought to establish a unique Finnish identity, leading to the Finnish Spitz being recognized as a national breed in the early 20th century.

Physical characteristics

The Finnish Spitz is a medium-sized dog with a height ranging from 15.5 to 20 inches at the shoulder and a weight between 25 to 33 pounds. They have a fox-like appearance, with a wedge-shaped head, almond-shaped eyes, and a pointed muzzle. The breed’s coat is double-layered, consisting of a short, dense undercoat and a longer, harsh outer coat. Their coat is usually golden-red or auburn in color, giving them a striking and vibrant appearance. With their erect ears and a curled tail carried high on their back, Finnish Spitz possess a confident and alert demeanor.

Temperament and personality

The Finnish Spitz is known for its friendly and lively temperament. They are intelligent and eager to please, making them trainable and obedient. While they are generally good-natured and sociable, Finnish Spitz can also have a strong independent streak that stems from their hunting instincts. They are inherently protective and make excellent watchdogs, barking to alert their owners of any potential danger. Some Finnish Spitz may exhibit reserved behavior around strangers, but early socialization can help mitigate any shyness or aggression issues.

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Exercise and energy levels

The Finnish Spitz is an active and energetic breed that requires regular exercise and mental stimulation. These dogs have a strong hunting instinct and thrive when given opportunities to explore and engage in physical activities. Daily walks, brisk runs, or play sessions in a secure, fenced-in area are essential for meeting their exercise needs. Mental stimulation is equally important, as Finnish Spitz are highly intelligent and require brain-teasing activities such as puzzle toys or obedience training. Ensuring they receive enough exercise and mental stimulation will help prevent behavior problems and keep them happy and healthy.

Common health issues

Like all dog breeds, the Finnish Spitz is prone to certain health conditions. While they are generally considered a healthy breed, it is important for potential owners to be aware of the following common health issues that may affect Finnish Spitz:

  1. Hip dysplasia: This is a condition characterized by an improperly formed hip joint, leading to pain and mobility issues.
  2. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): PRA is a degenerative eye disease that can lead to blindness over time.
  3. Patellar luxation: This condition occurs when the kneecap slips out of place, causing discomfort and potential lameness.
  4. Juvenile-onset laryngeal paralysis polyneuropathy (JOLPP): JOLPP is a neurological disorder that affects the nerves in the larynx, leading to breathing difficulties.

Regular veterinary check-ups, a nutritious diet, and appropriate exercise can help minimize the risks of these health issues and ensure the Finnish Spitz remains in good health.

Understanding Canine Behavior

Dogs are fascinating creatures with complex behaviors ingrained in their genetic makeup. One curious behavior exhibited by many dogs, including the Finnish Spitz, is the consumption of grass. While it may seem strange or even concerning, there are several reasons why dogs engage in this behavior.

Reasons why dogs eat grass

  1. Natural instincts and foraging behavior: Dogs have evolved from wild ancestors who were natural foragers. In the wild, dogs would consume a variety of plant matter, including grass, to supplement their diet and obtain necessary nutrients.
  2. Nutritional deficiencies: Some dogs may eat grass if they are lacking certain nutrients in their diet. Grass can provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that may be missing from their regular food.
  3. Digestive aid and natural laxative: Grass can act as a natural digestive aid and help promote better bowel movements. Eating grass may help remove indigestible materials from their stomach or stimulate the digestive system.
  4. Relieving boredom or anxiety: Dogs may eat grass as a form of self-stimulation when they are bored or feeling anxious. Chewing on grass can provide temporary entertainment or alleviate anxious feelings.

Finnish Spitz Eating Habits

As with other breeds, Finnish Spitz may also engage in grass consumption. Understanding the pattern and frequency of this behavior in Finnish Spitz can provide valuable insights into their eating habits and potential reasons behind it.

Frequency and quantity of grass consumption

Finnish Spitz, like many other dogs, may occasionally eat grass. However, it is important to note that this behavior should not be excessive. If your Finnish Spitz is consuming large quantities of grass regularly, it may be a cause for concern and should be addressed with a veterinarian.

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Prevalence among Finnish Spitz

While there is limited specific data on grass consumption in Finnish Spitz, it is a behavior that can be observed in individual dogs. Not all Finnish Spitz may exhibit this behavior, but it is not uncommon among various dog breeds.

Similar behaviors in other dog breeds

Grass consumption is not exclusive to Finnish Spitz but can be observed in many other dog breeds as well. Dogs of all sizes, ages, and breeds may engage in this behavior for the reasons mentioned earlier.

Possible Explanations for Finnish Spitz Eating Grass

Though the exact reason Finnish Spitz eat grass may vary among individuals, several possibilities could explain this behavior. It is essential to explore these explanations to better understand your dog’s grass-eating habits.

Instinctual behavior from wild ancestors

The Finnish Spitz’s grass-eating behavior may stem from their ancestors’ natural foraging instincts. As descendants of wild canines, they might have a genetic predisposition to consume plant matter for nutritional and survival purposes.

Grass as a source of fiber

Grass contains fiber, which is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion in dogs. Some Finnish Spitz may instinctively seek out grass as a dietary fiber source, especially if their regular diet lacks adequate fiber content.

Regurgitation and elimination of indigestible material

Dogs may eat grass to aid in regurgitation or elimination of indigestible materials from their stomach. By consuming grass, they can stimulate their gag reflex, potentially helping them expel unwanted substances that have upset their digestive system.

Exploring different tastes and textures

For some Finnish Spitz, eating grass may be a simple matter of exploring different tastes and textures. Dogs use their mouths as sensory organs, and chewing on grass may provide a novel experience and mental stimulation.

Natural response to an upset stomach

Dogs with upset stomachs might instinctively eat grass to induce vomiting and alleviate discomfort. Grass can help soothe an irritated stomach lining or trigger the urge to vomit, potentially providing temporary relief.

Health Implications of Grass Consumption

Many dog owners wonder whether grass consumption is safe for their canine companions. While grass consumption itself is not inherently harmful, there are certain considerations and potential health risks to be aware of.

Is grass safe for dogs?

In general, grass is not toxic to dogs and is considered safe for consumption. However, caution should be exercised when allowing your Finnish Spitz to eat grass, as there are risks associated with certain grasses, such as those treated with pesticides or herbicides.

Potential risks and dangers

One of the primary concerns with grass consumption is the potential exposure to toxic substances. If the grass has been treated with chemicals or fertilizers, these can be harmful if ingested. Additionally, some plants may be toxic to dogs and can cause adverse reactions if eaten.

Allergic reactions and toxic plants

Some dogs may be allergic to certain types of grass or plants, leading to skin irritations or digestive issues. It is essential to be aware of any symptoms of allergies, such as itching, swelling, or gastrointestinal upset, and seek veterinary care if necessary. Furthermore, certain plants, such as lilies or daffodils, can be highly toxic to dogs and should be avoided at all costs.

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Impact on digestion and gastrointestinal health

While occasional grass consumption might offer benefits, excessive grass consumption or indiscriminate ingestion of grass can lead to digestive issues. Ingested grass can cause obstructions or irritate the digestive tract, potentially resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems.

Methods to Discourage Grass Eating

If you want to discourage or manage your Finnish Spitz’s grass-eating behavior, there are several strategies you can employ.

Offering alternative chewing options

Providing your Finnish Spitz with appropriate chew toys or safe, natural alternatives to grass can redirect their chewing behavior. This will give them a satisfying outlet for their oral stimulation needs.

Maintaining a balanced diet

Ensuring that your Finnish Spitz has a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help address any potential nutritional deficiencies that may be driving their grass-eating behavior. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if any dietary adjustments are necessary.

Consulting a veterinarian for guidance

If your Finnish Spitz’s grass-eating habits are excessive or causing concern, it is beneficial to consult with a veterinarian. They can evaluate your dog’s overall health, identify any underlying issues, and provide guidance on how to manage or modify their behavior.

Addressing underlying behavioral issues

For Finnish Spitz exhibiting grass-eating behavior rooted in boredom or anxiety, addressing these underlying issues is essential. Providing mental stimulation through interactive toys, training, and regular exercise can help alleviate boredom. If anxiety is the cause, consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to develop a customized training plan.

Obtaining Professional Veterinary Advice

When it comes to your Finnish Spitz’s health and well-being, it is crucial to seek professional veterinary advice.

Importance of veterinary consultation

Regular veterinary check-ups and consultations are essential for maintaining your Finnish Spitz’s health. Engaging in open and honest communication with your veterinarian allows them to provide personalized advice, address any concerns, and recommend appropriate treatments or modifications.

Identifying any medical conditions

Your veterinarian can conduct a thorough examination and help identify any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your Finnish Spitz’s grass-eating behavior. This will ensure that any potential health issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

Customizing a diet and exercise plan

A veterinarian can assess your dog’s dietary needs, recommend appropriate food options, and help create a balanced diet plan tailored specifically for your Finnish Spitz. Additionally, they can provide guidance on exercise requirements, ensuring your dog receives adequate physical activity.

Behavioral training and modification

If your Finnish Spitz’s grass-eating behavior is rooted in behavioral issues, a veterinarian, dog trainer, or behaviorist can help you develop an individualized training plan. They can work with you to address underlying anxieties, offer guidance on appropriate behavioral modifications, and help foster a healthier and more balanced dog.

Creating a Safe Environment for Your Finnish Spitz

As a responsible dog owner, it is your duty to create a safe and secure environment for your Finnish Spitz.

Securing your yard from toxic plants

Ensure that your yard is free from any toxic plants or substances. Remove any plants that are known to be toxic to dogs and avoid using chemical herbicides or pesticides that can be harmful if ingested.

Regularly mowing and maintaining the lawn

Keeping your lawn properly mowed and maintained can help minimize the presence of grasses that may be ingested by your Finnish Spitz. Regular maintenance not only reduces the risk of your dog consuming harmful plants but also keeps the environment clean and safe.

Using pet-friendly fertilizers and pesticides

If you do need to use fertilizers or pesticides on your lawn, opt for pet-friendly and natural alternatives. Ensure that any products used are safe for dogs and follow the instructions carefully to minimize exposure or ingestion risks.

Supervising outdoor activities

When your Finnish Spitz is outdoors, it is important to supervise their activities to prevent them from consuming grass or plants indiscriminately. Keep an eye on them and redirect their attention to alternative activities or toys to deter grass-eating behavior.


Grass eating in Finnish Spitz, like many other dog breeds, is a natural behavior rooted in their ancestral instincts. While it may seem unusual, there are several valid reasons why dogs consume grass. However, it is essential to monitor your Finnish Spitz’s behavior and health, and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns. By understanding the potential reasons behind this behavior, providing appropriate alternatives, and creating a safe environment, you can ensure the well-being of your Finnish Spitz and foster a happy and healthy relationship between you and your furry companion.